10 Theories On How The Mandalorian Movie Ends Din Djarin & Grogu's Story


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Aug 07, 2023

10 Theories On How The Mandalorian Movie Ends Din Djarin & Grogu's Story

Dave Filoni’s The Mandalorian movie can offer a conclusion for the stories of Din Djarin and Grogu, who audiences have been following since 2019. The Mandalorian movie is set to be the culmination of

Dave Filoni’s The Mandalorian movie can offer a conclusion for the stories of Din Djarin and Grogu, who audiences have been following since 2019.

The Mandalorian movie is set to be the culmination of the Mandoverse, and there are a few ways it could end Din Djarin and Grogu’s story. Three new Star Wars movies were announced to be in the works at Star Wars Celebration 2023, one of which is a Dave Filoni Star Wars film. The project, which is still untitled, is being referred to as The Mandalorian movie and is expected to feature a lot of familiar Star Wars faces.

With Ahsoka briding the Mandoverse and Star WarsRebels, Dave Filoni’s The Mandalorian movie could be a massive crossover event featuring dozens of Star Wars characters. However, Mando and Grogu are expected to be front and center in the project, as the “Mandoverse” started with them. If The Mandalorian movie serves as a finale for the show, it will have to properly wrap up the stories of Mando and his son. Here are 10 theories on how The Mandalorian movie ends.

One of the most likely scenarios, assuming that The Mandalorian movie concludes Din Djarin’s story, is that Mando dies in the film. Pedro Pascal has played the Mandalorian for three seasons now, and there is at least one more season and a movie centered on the character yet to be released. Assuming that Dave Filoni’s Star Wars movie is one of the Star Wars films releasing in 2027, Din Djarin will have been a main character for almost eight years. Din Djarin dying to protect Grogu or save the galaxy in The Mandalorian movie would be a fitting end for the character.

Despite Grogu’s young age, the character holds a special meaning within The Mandalorian’s universe. Grogu, who is now Din Djarin’s son and trained with Luke Skywalker, could become the first Mandalorian Jedi in generations. Grogu was also able to feel Mandalore’s Mythosaur, which ties into the prophecy about a Mandalorian who would ride the mythical beast and guide the planet into a new era. Of course, Grogu may still be too young to become Mandalore’s de facto leader. Still, the figure of a Jedi Mandalorian who helped his people could be enough to unite the planet and set Mandalore into a new era after The Mandalorian movie.

Another option is that Din Djarin becomes the new Mand’alor. At the end of The Mandalorian season 2, it seemed that the show was setting up Din Djarin to go from a bounty hunter to Mandalore’s new leader. Din now had the Darksaber, he was learning about other Mandalorian factions, and Mandalore had to be reclaimed. However, The Mandalorian season 3’s Bo-Katan story took the show in a different direction, with Din helping the Star Wars: The Clone Wars character reclaim her home. That said, there is still work to be done in Mandalore. Perhaps Bo-Katan dies in The Mandalorian movie, setting Din Djarin on a different journey.

While Dave Filoni’s Star Wars movie is being referred to as The Mandalorian film, the project is also expected to be a conclusion for multiple Star Wars storylines. This includes The Mandalorian, other Mandoverse shows like The Book of Boba Fett and the upcoming Ahsoka, Star Wars Rebels, and Thrawn’s canon stories. Therefore, the stakes for Din Djarin and Grogu’s theatrical adventure will be much bigger than what they usually ran into during The Mandalorian. Considering that Mando and Grogu are the faces of the Mandoverse, they might be who defeat Thrawn in Filoni’s Star Wars movie. This would be a fitting ending for Mando and Grogu’s story.

Another interesting ending – or a new beginning – for Grogu’s story would be for him to rejoin Luke’s Jedi academy. How much time Grogu spent training with Luke Skywalker has been the source of some significant The Mandalorian timeline retcons. Still, Grogu’s time with Luke was relatively short, and there is still a lot that the little green creature could learn from Skywalker. Luke’s Jedi academy continues to exist until a teenage Ben Solo joins Snoke, meaning that Skywalker will remain a Jedi Master to Padawans for the next decade or so. Therefore, Grogu could return to Luke’s Jedi temple after The Mandalorian movie to complete his training.

While The Mandalorian movie is being described as the culmination of the Mandoverse, the possibility of other The Mandalorian seasons cannot be ruled out. It is still unclear what The Mandalorian movie means for The Mandalorian season 4, and whether the show could return after the film. Still, if neither Grogu nor Mando dies in The Mandalorian movie, it would be no surprise to see the show returning for another season. The Mandalorian is one of Star Wars’ most solid hits in years, and if the movie is successful, the show’s popularity will only increase. As such, The Mandalorian movie might not be the end of the story.

Another option for Din Djarin and Grogu’s story to continue past The Mandalorian movie is that it receives a sequel. Dave Filoni’s Star Wars film is a unique Star Wars project in many ways, as the saga has never released a live-action movie tied directly into an existing TV show. The Mandalorian movie will surely require audiences to at least be familiar with some post-Return of the Jedi characters, such as Mando and Ahsoka. Still, if The Mandalorian movie is successful, the future of those characters might be on the big screen. Instead of another Mandalorian season, Mando and Grogu could return for another The Mandalorian movie.

If The Mandalorian movie wants to give Din Djarin and Grogu a definitive yet happy ending, the best option would be to have them retire in Nevarro after saving the galaxy. Nevarro has become Din and Grogu’s home, as seen in The Mandalorian season 3’s ending. Instead of heading into yet another adventure, Din Djarin may choose to put his helmet down and raise Grogu away from trouble. Considering that the Mandalorian will have to defeat Grand Admiral Thrawn and likely other threats in Dave Filoni’s Star Wars movie, a peaceful retirement in Nevarro seems after the fight seems a great choice.

Grogu is one of the most fascinating new Star Wars characters, especially because the saga could continue to follow him for decades to come. Whereas Yoda was introduced at the end of his 900-year-old life, Grogu was 50 years old in The Mandalorian season 1. Star Wars will want to age up Grogu eventually, as this would allow the character to properly become a Jedi or a Mandalorian warrior. Perhaps The Mandalorian ends with a significant time jump, featuring a grown-up version of Grogu. This would, however, likely mean the end of Din Djarin’s story. Grogu is set to outlive Mando significantly, making this a bittersweet scenario.

Instead of wrapping up Din Djarin and Grogu’s story or setting up a new The Mandalorian season, The Mandalorian movie may choose to give these two characters an open ending. Something in the style of Star Wars Rebels’ ending, during which the fate of characters like Ezra Bridger and Grand Admiral Thrawn were left ambiguous, could happen in the film. This would leave the door open for Mando and Grogu to return in future Star Wars projects without necessarily confirming another The Mandalorian season or another The Mandalorian movie.

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